residents enjoying our outdoor seating

Assisted Living with The Carrington at Lincolnwood

Care when needed to support an active, fulfilling lifestyle – starting at $6,925 a month.

Assisted Living at The Carrington offers a positive, uplifting environment for seniors who value active independence, but may benefit from the security and services of assistance with activities of daily living. This caring support helps residents stay engaged with the friends and activities they enjoy.

Starting with the comfort and beauty of an all-private residence, Assisted Living at The Carrington is a lifestyle rich with meaningful and positive experiences. Plus, a caring hand is there when needed for tasks such as bathing and personal grooming. It’s a lifestyle grounded in respect and dignity for all residents.

All residents in Assisted Living at The Carrington are encouraged to realize their greatest potential for positive, self-directed living. Uplifting activities and wellness-based choices offer an invitation to stay engaged and enjoy a sense of belonging and purpose.


The Carrington provides assistance in processing long-term care insurance claims for reimbursement.


To view our Assisted Living activities calendar click HERE.

Assisted Living Comparison Checklist

As you look for the right community for yourself or a loved one, use our helpful checklist to evaluate each community.

Download the checklist HERE.